Dried Leaves

Source dried leaves and plant proteins to make your own nutritious foods and remedies. Find recipes and learn how to use them.
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Dried Averrhoa Bilimbi Leaves, kamias leaves,Dried Averrhoa Bilimbi Leaves,Kamias leaves,sun dried bilimbi leaves

500+ Dried Averrhoa Bilimbi Leaves, kamias leaves | ceylon organic

CHF 3.00 – CHF 18.00
Unveiling the Potential: Dehydrated Organic Averrhoa Bilimbi Leaves (Sri Lanka)   Embrace the potential benefits and diverse uses of our premium, dehydrated organic Averrhoa bilimbi leaves, sourced directly from Sri...
A close-up of heen bovitiya leaves, showcasing their intricate veins and smooth edges.

3kg+ Organic liver plant leaves Heen bovitiya(Osbeckia octandra) | Ceylon organic

CHF 4.00 – CHF 191.00
Organic liver plant leaves (Heen bovitiya (Osbeckia octandra) are a natural source of vitamins and minerals, providing essential nutrients for health and wellbeing without any artificial ingredients. Enjoy the nutrient-rich...